Getting What Is Rightfully Yours

Getting What Is Rightfully Yours

Adopting an Adult: The Whys And Hows Of This Unique Process

Estelle Mathieu

While most people tend to adopt children only, there are some unique situations where older adults adopt younger adults. The purpose is typically to assume a parent-child or guardian-child relationship between the two adults of different ages. There are a few quid pro quos to this process under family law, as well as reasons for doing it. 

The Younger Adult Left Foster Care Unadopted

When a child in foster care matures out of the system at age 18, he or she is left to roam about on his/her own, even if he/she has not finished high school yet. Sometimes a foster parent had wanted to adopt the young adult when the young adult was still a minor, but the foster parent could not afford the legal fees associated with adoption. If funds can be raised to cover the legal fees after the fact, the former foster parent can officially adopt his/her former foster child when that child has legally become an adult already. In so doing, the 18-year-old has a home and can finish high school.

Foster Parents Adopted a Sibling of the Unadopted Adult

In strange twists of fate, some foster parents are able to adopt one of their foster children, but not the siblings of the child they chose to adopt. It leaves the adopted child without the siblings he/she grew up with, and it causes the siblings some distress. When the adopted child can raise money for adoption fees, either the foster parents or the adopted child may adopt the rest of the siblings and assume the role of a parent/guardian.

Adoptions of Younger Siblings as an Adult

In cases where the oldest child in a family was not old enough to assume responsibility for younger siblings, and the children are broken up and sent to different homes, the oldest may adopt the younger siblings when he/she turns 18. This oldest sibling may also search for and adopt each younger sibling throughout their lives if the children were scattered far and wide by the foster system. 

Since this could take years because of the numerous closed court records and the complications of the legal system in the state in which the children once resided together, many of the lost siblings may be adults by the time the oldest sibling is able to find all of his or her younger siblings and file the adoption papers.

For more information, contact your local family law office. 


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About Me
Getting What Is Rightfully Yours

As soon as my spouse filed for divorce, I knew that I was going to have to fight for what was mine. I had helped my husband to build a large company, and I had worked from home the entire time. I knew that it might be easy to overlook those contributions in court, which is why I secured a lawyer as soon as possible. Fortunately, I was able to find a representative who understood the challenges that I faced. She took me under her wing and told me not to worry. I was able to win everything I needed in court because of my lawyer. Check out this blog for information about how a lawyer can help you.
